Title VI Policy Statement
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states:
"No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
All persons within the jurisdiction of this state are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any place of public accommodation, without any distinction, discrimination or restriction on account of race, color, or national origin. We are committed to complying with the requirements of Title VI in all of its federally funded programs and activities.
Title VI Analysis and Study on the NICE MINI Service
Transdev/NICE is committed to complying with the requirements of Title VI in all of its federally funded programs and activities. To review the 2023 NICE MINI Title VI Service Equiity Analysis, please click on the link below:
Your feedback is important to us. To leave comments regarding the NICE MINI Title VI Service Equiry Analysis, please click on this link:
Public Comments on Title VI Plan accepted HERE /Por favor denos sus comentarios AQUI
The 2022 NICE Mini Title VI Service Equity Analysis can also be viewed in person by visiting:
700 Commercial Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
M-F 8:00 am-8:00 pm
Title VI Analysis and Study on the Proposed NICE Battery Electric Bus Charging Facility Location
Transdev/NICE is committed to complying with the requirements of Title VI in all of its federally funded programs and activities. To review the Title VI Equity Analysis for the NICE Battery Electric Bus (BEB) Charging Facility Site Selection, please click on the link below
Your feedback is important to us. To leave comments regarding the Title VI Equity Analysis for the NICE Battery Electric Bus (BEB) Charging Facility Site Selection, please click on the following links. All public comments must be submitted by July 1st, 2021:
Public Comments accepted Here/Por favor denos sus comentarios AQUI
The Title VI Equity Analysis for the NICE Battery Electric Bus (BEB) Charging Facility Site Selection plan can also be viewed in person by visiting:
700 Commercial Avenue
Garden City, NY
M-F 8:00 am-8:00 pm
Feedback can also be given at the Nassau County Planning Commission Public Hearing held on June 24th, 2021. For more information on how to attend the virtual meeting or provide comments please visit the Planning Commission website HERE.
Transdev/NICE is committed to complying with the requirements of Title VI in all of its federally funded programs and activities. To review the 2022 NICE Title VI System Plan, please click on the link below:
Your feedback is important to us. To leave comments regarding the NICE Title IV 2022 System Plan, please click on this link:
Public Comments on Title VI Plan accepted HERE /Por favor denos sus comentarios AQUI
The 2022 NICE Bus Title VI program plan can also be viewed in person by visiting:
700 Commercial Avenue
Garden City, NY
M-F 8:00 am-8:00 pm
The 2022 NICE Bus Title VI Plan can also be reviewed and feedback given at the Nassau County Bus Committe Public Hearing held at 5:30 pm, April 7th 2022 at:
Commercial Avenue
Garden City, NY 11530
To request additional information on NICE Title VI discrimination requirements, contact us at 516.296-4157 (TTY 516-228-4002) or email Latoya.Pippins@transdev.com.
System-Wide On-Board Title VI Survey
In December 2021, Transdev sponsored an onboard survey of the Nassau Inter-County Express (NICE) fixed-route bus service. The purpose of the survey was to develop a profile of travel and demographic characteristics of NICE fixed-route customer in order to ensure compliance with the federal Title VI reporting requirements.
The survey instrument was designed to capture the following information:
- Travel patterns and behaviors, including where people are traveling to, when they tend to travel, where they come from, how the access transit services, how they travel to their final destination, how frequently they use transit service, trip purpose, trip length, and other travel modes they use.
- Rider demographics, including race, gender, ethnicity, English proficiency, income, vehicle availability, and other information, which will provide Transdev with a clear picture of who is using transit services.
A PDF of the 2021 Survey Results is available here.
Title VI Complaints
Any person who believes he or she has been unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of race, color or national origin in violation of Title VI as a result of a Transdev/NICE action may file a complaint with Transdev/NICE. Any such complaint must be in writing and filed with Transdev/NICE within 180 days following the date of the alleged discriminatory action.
If information is needed in another language, please contact 516-336-6600.
Para mas informacion, en espanol, por favor, contacte con nosotros 516-336-6600.
For information on how to file a complaint, to obtain a Title VI Complaint Form, or for additional information regarding the Transdev/NICE Title VI complaint procedures, contact Transdev/NICE by any of the following methods:
Written correspondence addressed to:
Latoya Pippins
700 Commercial AVE
Garden City, NY 11530
or call Latoya Pippins at:
Phone: 516.296-4157
TTY: 516.228.4002
Email: Latoya.Pippins@transdev.com
In addition to your right to file a complaint with Transdev/NICE, you have the right to file a Title VI complaint with the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, Office of Civil Rights. The FTA's address is:
Federal Transit Administration Headquarters
Complaint Team
1200 New Jersey Avenue S. E.
Washington, D.C.
Title VI Complaint Procedure
Any person who believes he/she has been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice on the basis of race, color, or national origin by Transdev/NICE Bus may file a complaint by completing and submitting NICE Bus Title VI Complaint form.
Si usted necesita una copia de este documento en espanol, favor contactanos a 516-336-6600.
Title VI complaints must be received no more than 180 days after the alleged discriminatory action. Transdev/NICE will process all completed complaint forms in accordance with the following procedures:
A completed complaint will be reviewed by Transdev/NICE staff trained to recognize, investigate and respond to Title VI complaints. The complaint first will be reviewed to confirm that a discriminatory action in violation of Title VI has been alleged. The complainant will receive an acknowledgement letter informing her/him whether the complaint will be investigated by Transdev/NICE.
If applicable, an investigation of the allegations in the complaint will be conducted and generally completed within 90 days of receipt. If more information is needed to resolve the case, Transdev/NICE may contact the complainant. If further information is requested by Transdev/NICE from the complainant, the complainant shall respond with the necessary information within ten (10) days with the information to the investigator assigned to the case unless additional time is requested. Transdev/Nice may administratively close the case if the requested additional information is not timely provided or if the if the complainant advises that he or she no longer wishes to pursue the complaint.
After an investigation is complete, Transdev/NICE will issue a letter to the complainant summarizing the results of the investigation, stating the findings and advising of any action to be taken as a result of the investigation. If a complainant disagrees with this determination, he/she may request reconsideration by submitting a request in writing to the Transdev/NICE CEO within seven (7) days after the date of the initial Transdev/NICE determination letter, stating with specificity the basis for the reconsideration. The CEO will notify the complainant of his decision either to accept or reject the request for reconsideration within 10 days. In cases where reconsideration is granted, the CEO will issue a final determination letter to the complainant upon completion of his review of the matter.
All written complaints received by Latoya Pippins or her designee, Chief Administration Officer or his designee appeals to the designee, and responses from these two offices will be retained by Transdev/NICE for at least 5 years.
Title VI Complaint Form
Download Form
Formulario de Queja Discriminanción según el Titulo VI
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states:
"No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
The following information is necessary to assist us in processing your complaint. Should you require any assistance in completing this form or need additional information in alternative formats, please let us know.
Complete and return this form using only one of the three methods below:
Mail To:
Latoya Pippins
700 Commercial AVE
Garden City, NY 11530
Scan and Email To: Latoya.Pippins@transdev.com
Fax To: (516) 222-1793
I'ts NICE's policy to privide equal employement opportinunities for all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color religion, creed, national origin, genetic infomration, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, veteran, or marital status, or any characteristic protected by New York State of Federal Law. To view our EEO Policy Statement in its entirety visit here Declaración de Política de Igualdad de Oportunidades de Empleo aqui.
NICE values its employees and prides itself on providing an inclusive, supportive work atmosphere for our entire workforce. Workplace discrimination is illegal. If an employee feels they are being discriminated against, they can file a formal job discrimination complaint with the EEOC whenever you believe you are:
- Being treated unfairly on the job or harrassed because of your race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, age (age 40 or older) or genetic information; or harrased because they complained about job discrimination.